Kent Coastal Concert Band
Kent Coastal Concert Band

Welcome ...
Welcome ...
... to the website of Kent Coastal Concert Band. We are a friendly band that performs at various venues throughout the year around the Kent Coast. The band is 50 members strong and still growing. We always have places for new players, so if you want to come along and join the team please don't hesitate to contact us via the details provided on this site.
Our next concert:

Be Remembered:
Be Remembered:
Having enjoyed our concerts over the years, a number of members in the audience have asked us how they can help to support the band. One way is to keep coming to our concerts, but hopefully that’s a given. Another way which is becoming popular is to donate a piece of music to the band. This is marked with the donors name, and announced at all performances, so that the donation is always remembered.
Thanks to all those who have donated a piece!

It's all for charity:
It's all for charity:

Each year, the band performs a concert for charity. This could be an organised event to raise funds for another cause, for example a school, a church, or a local charity. Or it could be a concert organised by the band to raise funds for a specific charity.
The band also donates proceeds from its annual Christmas carolling to the church hall where it rehearses every week.
Over the past few years, the band has performed two concerts raising £2,500 for Sarcoma UK, the bone and soft tissue cancer charity. This charity is dear to the band as Suzie Valentine, our lead alto saxophonist, lost her battle with this cancer. Well done to all involved!